Monday 14 November 2011

Non-Store Retailing

In the world of internet, virtual stores (on-line stores) are becoming more popular. This solves the problem of increased real estate prices. Marketing is also done purely through news paper, catalogue and television. While it is nearly impossible for every brand to reach all the cities through stores, virtual retailing has made it possible.
  Online retailing has its own disadvantages. The most important one being the delivery of the purchased product to the customer unlike in physical store retailing, the customer walks into the store, picks, buys the product and carries it along.
Secondly, it is about setting the right expectations with customers. Sometimes the product looks very good on the screen or the catalogue but it may not meet the customer’s expectation when he gets it. This may have a negative impact on the brand’s image.
The next challenge is the payment as most of the people are not comfortable with credit cards and net banking, so cash on delivery is a good option. Equal amount of focus on physical and non store presence is what is needed to get the best of both the worlds.

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